
75+ funny work memes to help you forget your 9-5 struggle

Work Memes

It is tough to bear the 9 to 5 job if you are an employee in any company. Every time your boss calls you, you have to be in a meeting.

While you work hard, you rarely get paid leaves, and you have little time to enjoy and know yourself. On top of the workload, your coworkers are a bunch of idiots who don’t know how to work properly but can make your brain explode.

In addition, you get paid less and have to do others’ work too because you’re so good at everything. On the bright side, you get to have a chilled weekday.

When things are tough, and you need to sit back, relax, and laugh, these funny work memes are just for you. It will not only help you forget your 9 to 5 struggle, but you can share it with your colleagues as well.

So without any further adieu, why do we not get started with this article.

Every worker in any place on the earth is always waiting for Friday to complete their work and have a wonderful weekend. However, some people constantly misread things, even the calendar. Surprisingly, they think Thursday is Friday, and some co-workers cannot see who we have weekends tomorrow. So they tell us, and now we do not have the energy to work.

Every person has been through this. When you have been working so much, you think you are a skeleton and have no life. Working is a struggle.

Yes, you have been there, done that. But, unfortunately, some people are so annoying that they do not read the email and ask for further instruction. So now you have to say read your mail first, and the conversation piles up every time you try to work.

We all have energetic co-workers whose mouths and legs move way faster than hands. They are the life-sucking entity that roams in every office aisle, making random questions and annoying people to the fullest.

If you want a pro tip, who do not, you start asking other people not to tell where you are.

Cardi B is the expression queen. She knows what expression to give and where. This meme is perfect when co-workers ask for further information, although you accumulated all the previous mail.

Here are Drip memes for you to laugh hard.

Meetings are tiring, and what’s tiring more is sitting in the meeting for hours and talking about the same thing without any conclusion. Dear HR, you are also an employee. Why don’t you think about having liquor in the office so that they can cope up with this thing?

Where is he? by the chair, sulking and regretting every bit of working 9 to 5 jobs.

Ohh, that hits hard, does not it? Some bosses are so weird and hyperactive that they will hire someone with no qualification or educational background. They are like the prince in the office who has no clue what is going on and asks for everything. But, on the other hand, the hard-working employee is concerned about how the boss is dealing with the hiring.

At the start of the lockdown, we were all like this in the zoom meeting, all groomed up, read to put our point of view. Then the quarantine period extended, and you started to feel bored by the meeting and work. This meme exactly depicts the situation.

Never pile up the work, guys. Because when the deadline comes, you have to sacrifice your sleep, hunger, and whatnot. If only I could be chilled like this person.

These moments were when you worked for the first time in your life. Staring at the computers and sitting in the chair is so tiring that you want to leave the place although it has just been 5 minutes. Well, each second feels like an eternity in the office. Does not it?

Enjoy Hilarious Inappropriate memes of all time.

Haha! A word of advice, never tell your boss that you are leaving early. Otherwise, he will make sure that you do two days’ work in a single day and happily reach home. Well, it is not possible. So just tell him that you will leave the place at the final moment.

It is Monday when you have got the whole two holidays. You are so piped up to work that everything feels different. However, just realizing that you have to go through the same stuff is tiring. God bless.

Some bosses are so not funny that you feel concerned about them when they crack jokes instead of laughing. This is because so many of their jokes are sexist, racist, and whatnot. But you have t work here and support your daily expenses, and you pretend to laugh peculiarly.

To all the bosses in the world, Think before you say anything to your employee. You should be well aware that your employees are constantly seeking holidays and that is their good day.

Yeah, just think about the task of searching the Internet before emailing other people to pile up their jobs. Some people are just there to waste your time, don’t you think?

We have been telling this to you. But, boss, if you wonder how we work effectively in the office, it is alcohol. Everything you want to improve in your company is liquor. Just think about it.

Also, check out Drinking memes you can relate to.

So jealous of this guy right now, seriously. He looks as if he is having the best dream of his life. Wow, the magic of a good nap.

When a new company hires you, some supervisors take their work so seriously that they feel like they are stalking.

All the co-workers might urge grab that person by the collar, pull them in the corner, and teach them a lesson. But, keep in mind, you never extend meetings.

This co-worker needs to chill. It is okay to sleep at work but never be late.

Haha, This might be the best meme here. The fact that the letter A, S, D, W is no longer there is proof that the co-worker is not working correctly and playing Super Mario.

The most savage employee of the month goes to grandma.

Explore Beans Memes: A collection of cringe-worthy yet entertaining memes on the Internet.

This is so true. You get that urge to buy new things, have a lavish lifestyle, and gift people anything whenever you get paid. Some may even turn this wizard to work on new experiments and hunt new things.

No youtube videos or motivation quotes can make 9 to 5 working people be inspired or motivated. So it is tough for them to get through the day, and they cannot see what is coming up tomorrow.

We resign for a reason, and that reason is never because of the workload or work you do in the office. Instead, it is the attitude of your boss which gets on your nerve. So, instead of writing a whole long resignation letter, you leave it with creativity.

Sick days are unique and essential, but we know that we often take sick leave to take a breath in nature. But, unfortunately, we lose every sick day leave between this, and now you have to work dead.

No buddy, we can not take our friendship outside of this workplace. I cannot bear to be in this lace, and your face will remind me of it.

Click here to check a list of Awkward memes.

Every employee does have a place where they sit and regret that they have to work and bear in this sh*t hole forever. And whoever some new workers come in the company they make sure to introduce that fantasy island to share the sorrow.

There are some people in the world whose work is to annoy people to their fullest ad compel them to outburst. But you know that you are an adult and have to cope with things differently. You know your priorities, know that there are big bills to pay, and do not say anything to that person.

If you have been in the working business for long, you know the urge to resign from your work and start a business the next day. You even have the confidence to start way better than your boss. And all this plan you think in the overnight and sleep with a dream to be a millionaire.

When you become an adult, you have to divide the time. Half of it is to work, most of them is to take a good sleep, and the rest are for the miscellaneous. Adult life is tough, is not it?

If we calculate our income details, the pay never meets our needs. On top of that, we are not happy to do what we are doing. It is a sad fact, but what can we do about it except that laughing about it.

Every day, we go through the dilemma of working from 9 to 5 or initiating a new life in the countryside.

Have a look at Some Disgusting memes that will make you sick.

We have the energy to do everything professionally and ideally during the start of our careers. But when time passes, we are accustomed to success and become the exact opposite of what we were before.

This meme might touch your heart, but this incident will only occur in our dream. Some people might not even accept dreaming about it. It is so unrealistic.

The trick to waking up early in the morning is to put an alarm every five minutes. If this does not work, then put it in every minute. However, some people will get late either way.

The salary cycle of a normal company. You might be concerned about your salary now.

Ohh, this is hurtful. Do you remember when everyone in the country was at home binging movies, series and there you were attending the meeting wearing a suit and tie?

So on point. The manager is on top of the boat while the employees sink in the icy cold sea. Not fair.

We have collected Hallelujah memes on the Internet for your entertainment.

We can get the vibe, bro. The boss should not reach their employee on their day off, never. This employee is so straightforward, we should be more like him, don’t you think?

Your word might be sweet and savory, but my paychecks say something else.

God bless those wonderful bosses.

This idea is not that bad. Maybe you should tell your boss to implement it as soon a possible.

How are they supposed to remember the report from a year ago when they can not even remember today’s date.

Work, eat, sleep. This seems like a Bermuda triangle which no one can escape from. Bless those tender souls.

Man, this is so tough. But, of course, you know that you people will bump into each other now and then. But, unfortunately, this happens regularly, and you do not even bother to greet one another and give that smile.

Check out Funny Face Memes collected only for your laughter.

These language nerds employee surely knows what to say and when.

All the bosses know that their employee is not working correctly, but their workers try to make them feel like they are working hard.

I mean, this is important, right?

Man, these are so on point. Maybe they should try to send it over the pigeon’s leg. Which era are we in?

Yeah, some days are so tiring that instead of working, you think about the backup plan to hurt yourself so that you can peacefully get a day off without any resistance.

Everything is good and better at the beginning. But as time passes, you get accustomed to it, and this happens.

If you do this all the time, then you will be so experienced during the interview that it does not affect your mental status when things go wrong. So you guys should definitely try this.

Also, check out Will Smith Memes collection.

The boss might be high for organizing a meeting for a small thing. But, boss, please do not waste our time and your meetings are boring.

The job of customer service is so tiring. First, you have to listen to them nagging about the small matter on and on. But, more importantly, they do not use the product reading the instructions.

I mean, just imagine the employees not laughing at all when the boss cracks their jokes. This is when the fake laugh does the charm, and everybody should learn this skill.

Some people are just so lucky.

Yeah, just relax and calm down.

Everybody should relax and take time to order food in uber and take a day off.

We have gathered Here we go again memes for your entertainment.

This is just nerve-wracking. Some employees are just so lazy and hardly accomplish their tasks. However, they complain about working so hard that it annoys people to the fullest.

Coming late to the office should be normalized. For example, if we have been late for 5 minutes, some workers have been doing overtime and staying late in the office.

Yes, the 9 to 5 jobs are so tiring that you procrastinate about tomorrow and dream about coming home from work and sleeping in those cozy beds.

Yes, it’s Friday, and f**k this work. We will do it anyway on coming Monday.

Why do we always have to appear nice in the workplace even when we do not feel like it?

This trick should be one of the games in the workplace to replace every curse with “Okay Great.” It would have been fun.

These mind games might work once but not more than that—the tragedy of workers in one meme.

Here are the Congratulations Memes collected for your laughter.

The management is always so late at putting some matter into action. By the time they act on the matter, it has worsened, and no one can stop it. So. you sit there tight and enjoy the show to the fullest.

At the start of the work, every worker tends to give more than needed to the company. But as soon as they spend some years in the company, they know that they have been an integral part of it. So they sit back and enjoy the show.

Night shift workers are vampires. When they go on a vacation, they definitely look like this.

Ladies, they get drunk on Saturday and Sunday and have work the following day. They look like this.

I told you so.

Yeah, and the most exciting fact is that you can do all those work at the same paycheck.

Visit Our meme page for any meme.


Brenda Moya

Update: 2024-05-07