
20 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

Which are the 20 most dangerous animals in the world?

Nature has gifted some of the most enchanting, gentle, and friendly creatures on the planet. While, on the dark side, there are also several brutal and lethal animals living in this world just to prey on you.

There are many cruel and violent beasts, both large and small, that are downright deadly. These beasts are responsible for the significant loss of human lives each year.

Some of them pack enough venom to put unlucky travelers to rest.

So, here we present you the 20 most dangerous animals found in this world with deadly features that can kill you in an instant.

Quick Overview

RankDangerous Animals
1.Black Mamba
2.Box Jellyfish
4.Honey Badger
6.Blue-Ringed Octopus
7.Polar Bear
8.African Buffalo
9.Indian Red Scorpion
10.Puffer Fish
11.Salt Water Crocodile
12.Brazilian Wandering Spider
13.Grizzly Bear
17.Komodo Dragon
18.Asian Giant Hornet
19.Southern Cassowary
20.Golden Poison Frog

Most Dangerous Animals in the World

The information and details has been compiled from reliable sites including Far & Wide, and Wikipedia.

20. Golden Poison Frog

One of the most dangerous animals in the world is an amphibian from the Pacific coast of Colombia.

Golden poison frog is native to the Colombia and Panama rainforests. Besides, it can be classified in three colors: pale green, golden yellow, and orange-yellow. Similarly, its size can range from 1 inch to 2 inches.

In addition, this frog is the largest species among the poison dart frogs. On average, it carries 1 milligram of batrachotoxins in its skin glands, a potent toxin that can cause heart failure and fibrillation.

This dose of poison can kill 10-20 humans.

Moreover, this lethal frog only attacks with the poison during self-defense.

Indigenous people of Colombia use its poison in their darts and blowguns for hunting purposes.

19. Southern Cassowary

Another most dangerous animal in the world is a dinosaur-like bird from the New Guinea rainforests.

The southern cassowary is a flightless bird about 5.8 ft tall and weighs 44kg. It is the largest one among the cassowary species.

Similarly, this native bird appears stunning with a bright blue face, two red wattles (skin flaps) hanging in the neck, and a helmet “casque” on top of its head.

Besides, cassowary mostly prefers eating fallen fruits. But, it also feeds on snails, fungi, dead animals, and flowers.

What makes this bird fearsome is its powerful muscular legs with three tipped toes. These toes consist of razor-sharp claws that can reach up to the length of 12 cm (5 inches).

Though not aggressive in nature, it will not hesitate to strike the humans with its dagger-like weapons when threatened, inflicting fatal wounds to the internal organs and resulting in severe bleeding.

The Southern Cassowary killed a 75-year-old man, Marvin Hajos from Florida in 2019.

18. Asian Giant Hornet

The 18th most dangerous animal in the world is an Asian Giant Hornet.

This frightening insect is reputed as a “murder hornet” for its killer sting. Besides, an Asian giant hornet is the biggest and most venomous wasps in the world.

This giant hornet appears red-yellow or red-black and is found in the lowlands and forest of Southeast Asia.

Its quarter-inch long stinger injects mandarotoxin that shuts down the nervous system.

The common symptoms of its sting include severe burning and pain like being stabbed by a hot iron, nausea, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain.

In severe cases, victims may suffer from anaphylaxis shock caused by deadly allergic reactions of the hornet sting and result in death.

17. Komodo Dragon

Komodo is the largest living lizard is native to the Indonesian Islands of Kodomo, Rinca, Padar, and Flores. This wild dragon has black, yellow-gray large scales, forked tongue, large muscular tails, strong neck, powerful limbs, and claws.

An adult Kodomo dragon can grow 9 ft tall and weighs about 70 kgs. But, the largest specimen recorded was around 10.3 ft tall and weighed 160 kgs.

Besides, this reptile is at the top of their food chain and scavenge on deers, wild boars, carrion, including their own species. In a single feeding, they can eat 80% of their body weight.

Moreover, they occasionally attack humans, and their bite is considered lethal. Their razor-sharp teeth can snap the human body parts at an instant.

In addition, their lower jaw consists of two glands that secrete several toxic proteins and anticoagulants. When bitten, it can slow blood clotting, lower blood pressure, cause muscle paralysis, hypothermia, and unconsciousness.

A Kodomo Dragon killed an 8-year-old boy in Kodomo Island in 2007.

16. Elephant

An African elephant is the largest land mammal in the world. They are slightly larger than the Asian elephants and have dark grey skin, wider ears, long trunks, and two sharp tusks.

They are found in wooded savannas of Southern and Eastern Africa. While the Asian elephants are native to tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia.

This gentle giant can become extremely aggressive when they become exposed to threats.

Moreover, destroying their habitats and poaching have made the elephants undergo severe trauma and attack humans more savagely. Besides, they go in herds and attack villages in search of food due to deforestation.

Every year, elephants kill 500 people due to sense of threat.

15. Hippopotamus

The 15th most dangerous animal in the world is Hippopotamus.

This third-largest living mammal on earth is mostly found in the shallow rivers, lakes, and swamps of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Hippos have hairless and slippery skin, bulky bodies, a large head, sturdy legs, and a short tail. An adult male hippo weighs 1,500 kg.

While an adult female hippo weighs around 1,300 kg. Similarly, they feed on grasses, leaves, plants, and fruits.

What makes them so fearsome is they attack any trespassers who come into their territory. So, these aggressive species bite the intruder with their 20 inches long and razor-sharp canine teeth as self-defense.

Besides, they can chase humans with their fastest speed of 19 mph.

The hippopotamus is one of the most dangerous and feared animals in Africa responsible for 500 humans death every year.

14. Hyena

This freakish laughing wild creature is found in the grasslands, mountains, and deserts of Asia and Northeast Africa.

Though generally known as scavengers, hyenas are highly intelligent and daunting predators. Besides, 95% of their food comes from their own kill.

Moreover, they can weigh up to 190 pounds and run up to 50 km/h (31 mph).

Similarly, their mighty jaw is capable of breaking the bones and tearing tough meats in a single bite. These pack hunters don’t even spare baby lions or leopards.

Hyenas have killed countless humans in Africa. One of the brutal cases includes the death of 2 children and severe injury to 6 other in Kenya during nighttime.

13.  Grizzly Bear

These brown furry bears are found in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Besides, they have large shoulder humps, a dished face, and two short rounded ears. An adult male grizzly weighs almost 700 pounds. While the adult female grizzly weighs 450 pounds.

Similarly, grizzlies are omnivores. So, they consume anything from plants, fruits, to a variety of salmons, elks, fishes, rabbits, etc.

Moreover, grizzlies hunt their prey with their powerful 4-6 inches claws and razor-sharp jaws. Whereas they mostly attack humans in self-defense, and often they are fatal.

12. Brazilian Wandering Spider

About nine species of Brazilian wandering spiders are found in Brazil. While some of its species are also spotted in Central and South America.

These large spiders stand 2 inches tall and have 7 inches legs. They appear hairy and have a brown and gray colored body with black, yellow, white stripes at the bottom of their two front legs.

Besides, they attack humans when provoked intentionally or accidentally. Their bite releases neurotoxic venom, which can cause extreme pain, nausea, intense sweating, change in heart rate, seizures, etc.

These spiders wander at night searching for their prey to hunt down instead of making webs.

11. Salt Water Crocodile

Holding the 11th spot of the most dangerous animal in the world is a Salt Water Crocodile.

This “saltie” crocodile lives in the saltwater and freshwaters of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. Besides, saltwater crocodiles are the largest crocodile species to ever exist.

An adult male saltwater crocodile is larger than the female. It can reach up to 7 m in height and weigh 2,205 pounds.

The saltwater crocodiles frequently attack humans more than any other reptiles. They will lure their prey first, then drown them in the waters and spin them repeatedly to twist off chunks of meat (death roll).

Similarly, it boasts a bite force of 3,700 pounds per square inch (PSI) highest of any other animal.

Moreover, their prey includes apex predators like sharks, water buffalo, and other species like crabs, birds, fishes, pigs, etc.

10. Puffer Fish

The 10th most dangerous animal in the world is a swollen fish from the tropical and subtropical oceans.

This foul-smelling fish carries a potent toxin called “tetrodotoxin” in its liver, ovaries, skin, and intestines. It is 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide.

Moreover, the Pufferfish attacks mostly when provoked. Besides, eating it as a delicacy can cause paralysis, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, and ultimate death.

Read About 10 Most Dangerous Fish in the World

9. Indian Red Scorpion

The world’s most lethal scorpion resides in India, the eastern regions of Nepal, Pakistan, and Srilanka.

Its color varies from orange to reddish-brown to grey, and its head to lower backs is all covered by dark spots.

Though smaller in size, about 40-60 millimeters, these species of scorpion have strikingly powerful stingers.

Its sting releases numerous complex venoms, including Tamapin. And, it’s common to get stung by the Indian red scorpion as they reside nearby the human settlements.

Most of the victims of its deadly sting are children. When stung, victims experience severe pain, nausea, abnormal heart rate, blood pressure change, and seizures.

In severe cases, the victims suffer from pulmonary edema, a condition where excess fluid accumulates at the lungs making it difficult to breathe and leading to instant death.

8. African Buffalo

African buffaloes are found in the grasslands of Southeastern Africa. They appear dark brown to black in color, have 7 ft mighty curved horns from tip to toe, and weigh around 1,900 pounds.

African buffaloes are among the Big Five dangerous animals to be hunted in Africa. And they kill more of the hunters than any other deadly animals from Africa.

Mostly, these aggressive buffaloes attack wild animals and humans during self-defense. They often graze in packs and come to rescue their group members when in need.

Moreover, they can chase you with the speed of 50 mph and attack with their powerful horns, stomp over you, and kill you immediately.

Further, each year African buffaloes kill 200 people.

7. Polar Bear

This snowy white fluffy hyper carnivorous bear is the native species from the Arctic Sea.

Polar Bear is the largest land predators on the earth. It stands 9.5 ft tall and weighs around 1,700 pounds.

Besides, it mostly hunts seals. This alpha predator can outrun its prey, including humans, with its top speed of 40 km/h.

Due to an increase in global warming, the Arctic ice is melting. So, the polar bears are getting closer to human settlements, and due to lack of food, they attack humans savagely with their powerful claws.

6. Blue-Ringed Octopus

The 6th most dangerous animal in the world is a Blue-Ringed Octopus.

This octopus is only 8 inches long and has yellow skin, blue, and black rings in its whole body, which gets drastically changed when threatened.

Blue-Ringed Octopus is one of the most venomous species of octopus. Their home is the coral reefs of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Moreover, its salivary gland consists of a potent venom called “tetrodotoxin.” When bitten, it might not be extremely painful, but victims will suffer from nausea, respiratory failure, heart failure, blindness, and paralysis.

Blue-Ringed Octopus can kill 26 people within a minute. And there is no antivenom for it’s lethal bite.

5. Lion

Holding the 5th spot of the most dangerous animals in the world is “King of the Jungle.”

Lions are found in the savannas and grasslands of Africa and India. These apex predators have a stunning muscular body, super-sharp claws, and mighty jagged teeth.

These magnificent creatures hunt solo or in packs called “pride.” Their prey includes every wild animal from antelopes, zebras, giraffes, and cape buffaloes to hyenas.

Besides, they attack and kill humans only when they are unable to attack their prey or in self-defense.

4. Honey Badger

Holding the 4th spot is the toughest, savage, and bravest creature in the world.

A honey badger is an overgrown weasel having thick, tough but loose skin, long and powerful claws, and sharp teeth.

Its home is in the forests and grasslands of Sub-Saharan Africa and Southwest Asia.

These voracious omnivores feed on insects, snakes, honey bees, birds, berries, and fruits. Besides, they are immune to any of the venoms caused by the stings or bites of poisonous animals.

Moreover, they will bravely fight against apex predators like lions and hyenas in self-defense. When caught, their loose skin enables them to twist around and bite the attacker.

Whereas they also have two anal glands that produce foul-smelling liquids.

  3. Tiger

Holding the 3rd spot of the most dangerous animal in the world is Tiger.

Tigers reside in the rainforests and grasslands of Southeast Asia.

These largest and strongest wild cat species can jump 16 feet high and run 40 miles per hour.

Besides, they are extremely powerful than lions with unbeatable physical strength, sharp, deadly claws, and a bite force of 1,050 PSI.

Moreover, their prey mostly includes large animals like sambar deer, wild boar, wild pigs, and water buffaloes. But, they also attack and kill humans when their territory is threatened, or they lack food.

2. Box Jellyfish

The 2nd most dangerous animal in the world is a ghostly killer from the coastal waters of the world.

Box Jellyfish is the world’s most venomous marine creature. It boasts so potent toxins that it can lead to cardiac arrest and even death within 2 minutes when stung.

An adult box jellyfish can grow up to 40 tentacles. And each one of them contains around 5,000 stinging cells.

In addition, experts suspect that more than 79 people have been killed due to the sting from the box jellyfish.

1. Black Mamba

At the top of the most dangerous animals in the world comes Black Mamba.

The savannas and rocky hills of Sub-Saharan Africa are the home for these longest and deadliest African snakes.

Besides, it is one of the fastest snakes in the world that can reach up to 12.5 mph and grow up to 14 feet.

Moreover, when threatened, these vicious killers will repeatedly strike and inject large amounts of neurotoxins which results in the death of victims within 20 minutes.

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Tamela Phillippe

Update: 2024-05-08